As you walk around Penn you may notice posters advertising for you to submit photos to the yearbook. The yearbook team works hard to make the yearbook and get as many people as possible into the book, but it’s not an easy job. If you want a chance at getting in the yearbook, this is a great way to do it!
The yearbook staff encourages everyone to submit photos of you and your friends using a Google form. Just scan the QR code in the graphic to get there!

Ms. Alex Dunfee is a graphic design teacher here at Penn, and she runs the yearbook class too. She explains how students can help them in producing it.
“Students should submit photos through the form so we can have all groups and people represented here at Penn High School. Our yearbook staff tries hard to get pictures and content from all groups and all people, but we just can’t do it all. If students can submit photos for their club or just out with their friends that way we can get a better representation in the yearbook of our student body.”