On Wednesday, September 27th, Mr. Gensic and 100 other students from Penn High School took a field trip to Peoria, Illinois to the Riverfront Museum. During this field trip to the museum, students could see art throughout history and sculptures. The highlight of this field trip was the limited-time BODY WORLDS RX exhibit.

Ethan Walker | PNN

BODY WORLDS RX presents a one-of-a-kind opportunity for visitors to delve into the fascinating realm of human biology and the intricate impact of various illnesses. From examining organs, muscles, the nervous system, and skeletal structures, BODY WORLDS RX provides an unparalleled glimpse into the human body, the most complex mechanism on Earth.

Ethan Walker | PNN

The exhibited specimens offer a fascinating opportunity to compare and contrast the intricacies of healthy anatomy with those affected by diseases. They’ve placed particular emphasis on prevalent health issues, such as back pain, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases like arteriosclerosis and heart infarctions. Additionally, they delve into conditions like dementia and more, shedding light on the impact of these ailments.

Ethan Walker | PNN

When asked how this field trip came about, Mr. Gensic replied; “Many adults my age had seen Body Worlds in Chicago many years ago. Everyone who sees the exhibit, remembers it for a lifetime. Last year it was in Pennsylvania. Dr. Zerfas wanted to take students last year and it was too far.  Therefore, we waited until the exhibit was in Peoria, and made it a priority to see it.” The one thing Mr. Gensic wanted students to take away from this trip was “a once in a lifetime experience to see, learn about, and appreciate the human body on another level.” 

Students also loved the trip and found the experience fascinating; “It was a very long day but one I wouldn’t forget. I got to hold a human heart and I mean, how often does someone get to do that?” said senior Mateo Lopez.

After the visit at BODY WORLDS RX, students had a short lunch break before going to the next museum, the CAT museum. The CAT museum showed multiple vehicles and equipment throughout the companies history. There were many opportuinities for students to do hands on actvities through their CAT operator simulators.

Ethan Walker | PNN

Students returned to school around 6 p.m. after departing at 6 a.m. “It was an incredible experience that I learned a lot from on subjects I didn’t even know I’d be interested in.” said senior Kilian Dylla. It was a great trip to learn a diverse amount of knowledge and appreciate multiple forms of art.