Starting this year, Penn implemented a new cell phone policy due to state wide legislation that requires school districts to adopt policies banning students from having wireless devices during class unless there is direct instruction, or the student needs it for medical reasons.
Although there were many conflicting opinions at first, both staff and students agree that the cell phone policy is going well.
“Without the usage of phones, I’ve been way more productive in school. Like my academic improvement when it comes to productivity has been great, and it’s also helping me socially, because without my phone, I now have more opportunities to interact with others,” Chung said when asked about how the cell phone policy has been going.
Freshman biology teacher Mr. Warner agrees, stating that there’s definitely been more student participation, with cellphones being one less barrier he needs to break through to get students interacting and participating.
As of right now, it is unlikely that there will be any changes to the cellphone policy, with student, staff, and parent feedback being positive. However, there is always the possibility for change, with disciplinary action and reevaluation taking place.