DECA, also know as “Distributed Educational Clubs of America”, is an international organization and business club at Penn High School. The club helps high school and college students with business and problem solving skills. There are different competitions and fundraisers throughout the year that the club competes in. Penn business and marketing teacher, Kyle Berres, sponsors the team as they compete in District, State, and International competition. The competitions are designed to help the team members see themselves in their next steps in their lives as probable businessmen and women.

“And the club…puts you in a place to be a professional…whether it’s in the world of business or even just for an interview at their first job.” states Berres. “[DECA] helps them be prepared to be in a professional setting from here on out…”.
On January 10th of 2018, the team won the Sweepstakes award while competing in the District 2 Competition at Concord Mall in Elkhart, IN. With this award the team will now be approaching the State Competition (SCDC).
Penn Senior, Preston Daoust, elaborates on the flexibility one may have to adapt to in order to become a member of the club,
“I was originally going to do Hospitality and Tourism but my partner came down with the flu… I think I did as best as I could for being a first-time participant… I felt comfortable up there and I feel as if I got all the key points in… [but] as for if they were right, I’m not sure.”
DECA president and latest recipient of the generous Lilly Scholarship award, Kendra Laidig (class of 2018), continues to carry on as an admirable advocate and participant of the club. Kendra indicates how DECA has become more than just a club and more of an experience that she will take into her hopeful future,
“…just since Freshman year DECA has really shaped me into who I am today.”.
This is one of the first stories the PNN crew shot in “immersive video.” Immersive video is shot in 360 degrees using a special camera. It offers a behind-the-scenes look at a PNN production. Here is the film; use your mouse to spin the clip and take a look behind the camera. Enjoy!