The National Honors Society (NHS) held its induction ceremony on November 16th in Penn’s Center for Performing Arts. In order to be inducted, each student was evaluated on their execution of the four pillars of NHS; Scholarship, Character, Service, and Leadership. Additionally, Penn students had to demonstrate their scholarship with a 3.5 GPA or above, along with proving their character, leadership, and service through their roles in the community.
In all, 160 students were inducted in the NHS ceremony. Because of the pandemic, there was no ceremony for last year’s inductees so a mass ceremony was lined up for the inductees. Here is what Mr. Galiher had to say, “It’s humbling, to know that we have great student leaders in our building who have taken the time to obviously perform around the classroom but also have already served and exhibited the qualities of National Honors Society and are going to be able to continue that role at Penn High School.”
During the candle lighting ceremony, the candles did not want to stand on their own. On more than one occasion, the candles fell out of their stands, one candle ablaze while rolling on the table. Thankfully no one was hurt and no damage was done.

The National Honors Society hosted a guest speaker for their induction ceremony. Jim Conklin, the President and Co-Founder of Cultivate Food Rescue, talked about the importance of volunteering in life. His central message was that it is never too late to help others.

Sophia Ahmed
Sakina Al-Fadhl
Zainab Al-Robaee
Nikita Amin
Vincent Anderson
Hala Ansari
Payton Armour
Amanda Baker
Deena Baki
Parnasi Bandyopadhyay
Rylie Basil
Edward Bell
Laura Berente
Grace Besse
Molly Boardley
Mali Bonnell
Nathan Brazeau
Manaal Buchh
Corrigan Burton
Delana Cates
Audrey Chartier
Ryan Cheng
Kennedy Chester
Marin Chester
Evelyn Clyde
Abigail Crawford
Grace Cummings
Luke Cummins
Tanya Datta
Reagan DeMoss
Livya Ditsch
Ben Doster
Alexander Du
Delaney Duval
Reese Eberlein
Julia Economou
Larissa Evans
Jacob Farney
Salem Fitwi
Collin Felming
Aja Fowler
Isabella Frischknecht
Leta Fulton
James Gauthier
Shelby Gay
Valentina Gianesi
Natasha Gibson
Lilian Gorman
James Greenlee
Michalynn Grenert
Benjamin Gregory
Noah Haas
Ellie Hague
Moosa Haque
Anna Hardesty
Lubabah Hasaan
Payton Heavner
Paige Hensley
Aidan Hertel
Christopher Howell
William Hunter
Jessica Ivie
Brina Jaga
Seth Jankowski
Lawrence Johnson-Espinoza
Hannah Jong
Maria Kallookullangara
Sophia Kallookullangara
Ameera Khan
Abigail Kilian
Yeshua Kim
Eshaal Kizilbash
Cole Klinedinst
Jordan Koszyk
Amrita Kulkarni
Gweyneth Lannon
Alexis LeDonne
David Luan
Reagan Ludwig
Danny Lupa
Brynn Machalleck
Katherine Madlem
Quinn Marien
Abigail Marion
Lilian Marks
Avery McAbee
Carol McCann
Alexandria McCoige
Riley Morris
Evan Nayee
Katherine Neely
Sophia Nestler
James Neubauer
Emily Nochowitz
Stefan Obradovic
Emily Parrot
Jasmin Pecina
Zachary Pelletier
Isabella Personette
Isabela Peterson
Elise Placke
August Pogue
Nathan Pratt
Caitlin Price
Isaak Prince
Nina Pulja
Zenia Qasim
Joanna Rajkumar
Monica Ramirez
Madison Renbarger
Jacob Retek
Colden Roach
Jeremiah Roach
Isabella Rondinelli
Payton Ruth
Tomo Sakaue
Maxwell Sanders
Reilly Schalliol
Anna Schlundt
Abigail Schroeder
Shelly Shen
Derick Shi
Olivia Shult
Emma Sidorowicz
Gurkirat Singh
Aisha Sirajuddin
Azra Sirajuddin
Lily Smith
Kaylee Sommers
Avery Spier
Maggie Stipp
Hunter Streigel
Kennedy Stutzman
Sydney Szklarek
Will Tang
Reagan Tribbett
Lauren Trim
Chloe Troxel
Evan Tuesley
Vishavjeet Turna
Colin VanHoveln
Emily VanLuchene
Chiara Von Eschenbach
Anitej Waghray
Sophia Waddell
Alivia Wasmer
Cleary Welsh
Victoria White
Madeline Wise
Makenzie Witowski
Elaina Wright
Allison Yu
Janet Yu
Saniya Zackariya
Matthew Zhang
Jasmine Zidan
Roseanne Zidan
Congratulations to all the students above for being inducted into NHS. We look forward to seeing what the future holds for these new members.