The Penn High School English Language Arts Academic Super Bowl Team is represented as Indiana state champions and coached by Candice Beelaert. The Penn Highschool English language art team defended their spot as winners last year and are doing it again this year. Eden Hartford (captain), Olivia Nijim, Maria Goffinet, Ashley Mead, and Grace Wang, represented at the Indiana state champion event. The team uses teamwork by studying together and cheering each other on in hard times. If the team didn’t work together they wouldn’t be nearly as successful as they are. It’s amazing to see such a young group of people work together and dominate it still. I can’t wait to see what they have in store for us next year. I’m hoping it will be a third-year winning, but we will have to wait and see.

By Kevin McNulty

Kevin McNulty teaches English and Mass Media Studies at Penn High School. He advises the Penn News Network and manages the PNN Studio and news room. For more information, navigate your browser to