This Saturday, May 2nd, the University Park Mall will be reopening along with 49 other malls across the country. The reason for this is due to the Simon Property Group. The CEO David Simon is on President Trump’s committee of executives tasked with helping to reopen the U.S. economy. He made the decision to reopen the malls based off of current local or state stay at home orders and could change. On Saturday, the mall will be open from 11 A.M. to 7 P.M. and on Sunday it will be open on 12 P.M. to 6 P.M. To keep safe, entrances will be cut off to get in the mall and masks and hand sanitizing packets will be handed out and costumers will be asked to wash their hands frequently. In the restrooms every other sink and urinal will be roped off. Not all stores will be open though. Store owners have the option to open their stores to not.