The Counseling Center is looking for new applicants for the “Big Brothers, Big Sisters” program.
“Big Brothers, Big Sisters” is a nationwide program that focuses on mentoring elementary school children. The program is open to all who will be Juniors and Seniors next year.
“We go over to either Bittersweet . . . or Elm Road [Elementary School], and you mentor elementary kids, and you help them with their english, math, and reading skills,” says Elena Effertz, a junior in the class of 2018. “I would definitely recommend [Big Brothers, Big Sisters], if you don’t mind losing a Study Hall. If you don’t use the time, then yeah, sign up!”
However, Effertz has cautioned against signing up with anything less than a full commitment. “If you’re unsure about it, then I wouldn’t join, just because you don’t want to disappoint a kid.” Elena has described her role in her kids’ life as a “destresser”, so you should join BBBS only if you enjoy being around little children and really want to be there for them.
Applications are available in the Guidance Office, which is where they will be turned back in when filled out. A parent’s signature is needed, and forms need to be turned in as soon as possible.