In a large school of over 4,000 students, you can get lost in the shuffle of everything. The club Project 7 is an exception to this, representing a safe haven within the walls of Penn High School. Every Wednesday, they meet to talk about their faith and build relationships that will last.
Three years ago, Mason Mishler began Project 7 to give every student at Penn a chance to talk about their faith, and feel comfortable talking about it. This group strives for a wholesome, welcoming, warm feeling, and it is accomplished. The student-leadership is a big part of it.
Mason, class of 2019, takes leading this club as a challenge. He strives to make everyone in the group as involved as possible. When asked why he started the club he tells us, “I wanted to reach

the school and be a lighthouse to people here.” He has surely reached this goal. Project 7 has quickly become a safe place for all of the students that wish to be involved, giving them a place to talk about anything they may feel uncomfortable to talk about with others.
The sponsor, Mrs. Armstrong, supports the students, but doesn’t interfere with the flow of the meetings or how the student leadership handles them. Allowing them to talk freely about anything and everything on their mind with others of there own age. Being the sponsor, Mrs. Armstrong was asked about her thoughts on Project 7, she told us, “I think of some genuinely kind high school students, who are curious about what they are learning, and how to apply lessons they have been taught to real world situations.”

Project 7 meets every Wednesday in the IMC at 3:30pm to around 4:30pm. The meetings are open for anyone that wants to take part in a club that is the Lighthouse of Penn High School.