With a polar vortex upon us, snow days can be expected. It’s only December, and we’ve already had one snow day (to be made up March 24th 2017, a black day), and a two-hour delay, with more predicted.

Snow days mean Penn students have eLearning. In the event of a snow day, the teachers will share the work by 9:00 AM. Students will only have to do eLearning for the classes they were supposed to have that day. For example, if it’s a gold day, students only have to do eLearning for gold day classes. The amount of work requeired varies between teachers and classes. Mr. McNulty says that there’s no replacement to being face-to-face, but eLearning is the best substitute. According to The Indiana Department of Education, eLearning is an approved way to make up missed days. Students will have work for every class posted on Canvas. Teachers will be available to answer questions via email during certain hours of the day, in case something is unclear.
Even if you don’t have internet at home, your teacher will still be able to see your work through Google Drive offline, and you have at least two days to complete the assignment. The district also offers low-cost internet access so students can access their assignments.
Really, there’s no excuse to not do it. Other schools who don’t have to make up more days in the summer after school ends. When asked, most of the students would say “I think it’s pointless.” or “I’d rather have extra school days”. However, a good amount can also understand the purpose of it, and appreciate not having extra school at the end of the year. The majority of students just think there’s too much of it, while still understanding why. Besides, it’s a full four blocks worth of work.
Tomorrow, a winter weather advisory has been issued, so a snow day is possible. It’s a black day, so we won’t be assigned eLearning, but it shows how the weather is picking up. The warning says it will last from 4 PM today, to 7 AM tomorrow, so bundle up, and hope for a snow day!