People who enter STEM competitions nationwide enroll in this event called TSA, the parent company of TEAMS. Many events exist from writing a children’s story and building a bridge, to competitive programming; every grade is eligible to enroll in any competition. This year the 2-day state competition will be held at Purdue from late February to early March. The top teams in the state competition advance to a national conference that host both the TEAMS and TSA National Competitions.

TEAMS is another version of TSA, except students, participate in competitions with a group; it stands for: Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics. Each team needs 2-4 members if a student doesn’t have a pre-made team they will be assigned to one.
There are two divisions, one for freshmen and sophomores and another for juniors and seniors, as well as two competitions, state and national (nationals will be held in Kentucky). Before the competition students are expected to write an essay to explore their solutions to an engineering problem and research 8 topics based on this year’s theme; the study can be based on anything from food deserts to neurosciences. You submit a group multiple choice test at the competition and then design and build a solution for a specific scenario. This year only 50 teams are allowed to participate in nationals so the top team for each state gets to go to nationals and compete against schools from other states.

The next TEAMS meeting is October 14th from 7:45 am-8:00 am in room 155.
The next TSA meeting is October 20th from 3:15 pm-4:00 pm.
Emails for more information:
Coach: Steven Sinish(
Coach: Austin Conner(
Executive Board (TSA + TEAMS): Rudra Patel, Zichu Wang, Derick Shi, and Carl Xu (