On Saturday, November 19th, the Penn Theater Department traveled to Bethel College to the regional thespian competition, where they won first place for their performance of “The Last Train”.

Actors Monte Teeple and Jake Callender won individual awards, and the tech crew as a whole won an award as well. Run crew chief DeCarla Thompson said of the experience at regionals, “Wining was very exciting because this is our last year and it’s nice to have a show going to state our last year.”
Jake Callender, who played the colonel, shares his personal goal in the production:
“For every show that we do I hope that people take some sort of moral or any sort of standard and apply that to their life and hopefully it makes them think. Like, imagine how could this affect their family if it happened here in america, now.”
Set designer Jay Jeffcoat discusses their take on the production process, saying, “Throughout the entire show, before I saw it come together, I kind of wasn’t super confident with the quality and the strength of our show, but that Friday night, watching it and seeing it all come together and hearing what people said about it was really reassuring.”
The Theater Department will perform “The Last Train” again at the state competition, which will be on January 20th-22nd at IUSB.

By Kevin McNulty

Kevin McNulty teaches English and Mass Media Studies at Penn High School. He advises the Penn News Network and manages the PNN Studio and news room. For more information, navigate your browser to www.massmediastudies.net.