The Penn girls track team traveled to Bloomington to compete at indoor stateĀ 

Lauren Frank placed 11th in the 3200

1600 relay team of Jemmia Pennix, Ashleigh Macleod, Emma Daggy, and Elli Mott placed 6th

3200 relay team of Lorena Daugherty, Emma Jankowski, Elli Mott, Ashleigh MacLeod placed 4th

DMR team of Lorena Daugherty, Kelsi Carrico, Hannah Selis, Emma Jankowski placed 13th

Amanda George placed 7th in pole vault


Full results can be found here

By Kevin McNulty

Kevin McNulty teaches English and Mass Media Studies at Penn High School. He advises the Penn News Network and manages the PNN Studio and news room. For more information, navigate your browser to