If you are looking to go to college next year, there are numerous steps involved in applying for college. Along with filling out an application and taking and turning in your act/sat scores, you also need to submit your high school transcripts. This is where Parchment comes in. Parchment is a website where you can electronically turn in your high school transcript. Some schools use the common app for submitting your transcript but nearly all colleges accept transcripts through parchment. The process can be confusing, so here are the steps to take to submit your transcript to the college of your choice.

You will first need to go to Parchment.com and sign up. That includes putting accurate information on your GPA and extracurricular activities along with a number of other things. Next, you will need to invite your counselor by his or her email. After this you will need to add Penn to the school you’re currently attending. Next, you can finally send a transcript to the colleges you want by clicking “send transcript”. Then you just have to type in the college you want to send it to. There is usually a small fee of around 3 dollars every time you send one. At the end, you have to confirm it. You don’t have to do anything more and the college will usually notify you through mail whether you have been accepted or not.

By Kevin McNulty

Kevin McNulty teaches English and Mass Media Studies at Penn High School. He advises the Penn News Network and manages the PNN Studio and news room. For more information, navigate your browser to www.massmediastudies.net.