On Sunday, April 26th, fourteen students traveled to Valparaiso University to compete at the Seventh Annual Great Lakes High School Chinese Speech & Writing Contests. These students have worked hard over the past few months and have much to show for it.
In the Level one speech contest, Amanda George, Kurumi Narasaki and Jill Reabe, all first year students, brought home first place.
Level two contest brought us two second place winners, Justin Grocock and Audrey Murray, who are Chinese 4 and Chinese 3 respectively, while Ami Lee, Chinese 3, won third place.
Level 3 which is for Heritage students whom speak the language at home, Penn Students Jason Zhang and Jack Bao brought home Second and Third place.
Level 1 writing contest has Akane Tokusmi winning second place, and level 2 writing had Jason Zhang taking home first.
The speech coordinator was very impressed with the high level of language

proficiency and the great performances. Congratulations to all these students!